A look inside the world of No Failsafe Productions ... our current films and projects and what's coming in the future.

The end of one thing ... the beginning of another ...

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Well, today is Easter. The thing that I find to funny is the fact that we wrapped filming on "Days Like These" a year ago today. That means that our current project "Holidays Like These" has been in production for almost a year now. I actually started writing the script for "Holidays" before we even filmed a single shot in "Days". But I ended up trashing the entire script and starting over sometime in June of last year. It's just amazing to me that it has taken us this long to get this thing finished.

I guess I got spoiled when we got the first two done in such a short time ... I thought this one would be done just as quickly but there has just been shit getting in the way at every single stage of the project. Right now I just want it to be finished so I can be done with it and move on to something else. Don't get me wrong ... I love the film. I think it's the best one of the series and I'm proud to say it's the final part of the series ... but I'd really like to be done with it now. I have project after project after project in my head that I want to move on to but I can't when I'm still having to figure out how the hell I'm going to get this movie finished and who's going to help me do it.

As of right now ... today ... this very moment ... Dave is back on board as the editor. I have 'retained' his services and if what he says is true ... the bulk of the film could be finished and edited within the week. I hope that remains true. Dave is a very talented editor and has helped me out in many ways and in many areas in the process of producing all three of these films. While the thought of having someone new, even myself for that matter, edit this last film was appealing ... it was also very frightening.

There are a lot of people that are fans of the first two films that have asked me repeatedly when this new one was coming out ... and all I could keep telling them was "Soon.". The last thing I wanted was for myself or someone else to do a shitty job putting it together and people being dissapointed with this one. Sequals aren't easy things to make. People always compare them to the original film, and making a 'trilogy' is even harder. Don't worry .. I don't have a 'prequal' trilogy planned that would shit all over the legacy of this one. I'm not that fucking insane.

Well ... if all goes well, this thing will finally be over by the end of April. I sure as hell don't want to have to ask my boss at the movie theatre where I work part time to let me screen my film there on the weekend of April 29th. I don't think I can compete with "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" or even "XXX: State of the Union" for that matter. I had to ask him to let me screen "Days" the weekend "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" came out last summer. That was like pulling fucking teeth.

We're filming the teaser for "The Wild Side" this week sometime hopefully. Hopefully that will be the signal of the transition from one project to the next. It usually is.

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  • I'm Richard
  • From Murfreesboro, Tn, United States
  • I'm just your average guy with dreams and asperations of making my own movies someday. Until the day comes that I can quit my job and be a full-time filmmaker .. I'm happy doing the occasional short film/side video project. But one day ... I'm gonna make that damn movie. And you're gonna love it.
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