A look inside the world of No Failsafe Productions ... our current films and projects and what's coming in the future.

Not Giving Up Just Yet ....

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A lot has happened in the past seven months since the filming of "The Wild Side" blew up in my face. I moved, got married ... you know .. the ususal stuff. The one thing that hasn't changed, however, is my desire to see this project come to fruition.

Last night, I had my first meeting with Dustin and Goose about the status of the project in over six months and as right now .... we're going back into production in about six weeks. Dustin, Goose, Patrick and Angela are all on board still ... the only variable is Regina. I haven't spoken to her since some time in January and she was having some family issues at the time.

In the event that Regina is not able to perform in the film, we are looking for someone to play the part of Andi. Flyers will be posted on the campus of MTSU searching for actresses and technical help. We're taking the bull by the horns this time and I know without a doubt that I have a group of people that I can count on working with me this time.

On a side note, I want to welcome the newest member of the No Failsafe team ... none other than my lovley wife Kayla Hurst. Kayla will be doing ... who know what at this point. Number one will to help keep me from going insane during production time. Aside from that, she's a very talented and beautiful woman and I'm excited about the prospect of what she will be able to bring to No Failsafe ...as well as my life. Welcome to No Failsafe Kayla ... and I love you.

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About me

  • I'm Richard
  • From Murfreesboro, Tn, United States
  • I'm just your average guy with dreams and asperations of making my own movies someday. Until the day comes that I can quit my job and be a full-time filmmaker .. I'm happy doing the occasional short film/side video project. But one day ... I'm gonna make that damn movie. And you're gonna love it.
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