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Serenity Now.

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When I say Serenity now ... I'm not saying that I really want to see the new film "Serenity" that comes out in September ... although I do ... I'm refering mainly to the phrase that George Kastanza's father used quite regularly on Seinfeld that - in the end - drove Kramer and himself completley mad. That's basically how I feel.

It's been a crazy week in No Failsafe land ... I got an Email from John last Thursday saying that he had not agreed to be in the film untill he read the script ... and now he had. AND ... he had issues with it because he said it "seems a litte crude in some parts"... which is basically a fucking understatement. It is a LOT crude in some parts ... so the fact that he picked up on that and that it offended him to the point where he was thinking about pulling out of the project ... THAT WAS HUGE!!!

The fact that you have offended someone - to me - means that something you wrote, whatever it was, had an impact on that person in one way or another. While some people, like John, have said that the script was crude ... others have praised it for being very funny and honest. I was thrilled when Regina - who plays Andi in the film (see picture below) - read the script and really liked it. I don't care if people love the script or they hate it - I just want them to feel one way or another about it. If they were indiferent ... that would be so much worse.

So ... after all the shit we have been through ... Dustin is back on board as Rodney. For a while there when John was going to play Rodney - I seriously thought about casting Dustin against type and letting him play Allen (the vulgar idiot of the film). Would it have worked? Who fucking knows ... but it would have been interesting.

Patrick is back on board to play Allen now. Patrick played Allen in the original teaser preview we attached at the end of "Holidays Like These" and I had wanted him to play the part - but as I wrote the script I worried that the part had grown to large and if he would be able to pull it off. Dustin, who has been a close friend of Patrick for many years, assured me that he could - and I took his word for it. I have never known Dustin to mislead me or lie to me in any way so I trust his judgement.

Now ... the only thing different about the cast is that Jennifer had to drop out and that Regina is now playing Andi. She really hated it - as did I - being as how I WROTE the part for her. Steven ... or Goose as we call him ... is still playing Nathan, which is also good since I wrote that part for him also. Maybe I need to stop writing stuff with people in mind. That usually has a horrible outcome. Oh well. Tomorrow night is the first official readthrough/rehersal ever. I'm excited as hell and I hope everything goes well. Be back soon with more info ... when I have more info to give.

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  • I'm Richard
  • From Murfreesboro, Tn, United States
  • I'm just your average guy with dreams and asperations of making my own movies someday. Until the day comes that I can quit my job and be a full-time filmmaker .. I'm happy doing the occasional short film/side video project. But one day ... I'm gonna make that damn movie. And you're gonna love it.
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