A look inside the world of No Failsafe Productions ... our current films and projects and what's coming in the future.

Shit happens.

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So ... we had our auditions last weekend. Two people. Two fucking people showed up. Thank God we did it at my house and not at the theatre, that would have been embarassing.

So ... out of the two people that showed up, we gave both of them parts in the film. The fucked up part is that the one guy who came to auditon, John, was really good ... but not for the part we were casting. He was much better as the part we already had filled ... by Dustin - one of my best friends who has been in every film I have done so far. One of the two main characters in the script is named Rodney. And this guy John, he fucking WAS Rodney. He nailed it. I hated to do it, but I had to do what was best for the film and I gave him the part. The only shitty part was going to be telling Dustin about this. Even worse was the fact that I couldn't get him on the phone for FOUR DAYS after that. I finally talked to him today and gave him the news. He took it well, like I thought he would. He was just a little disappointed. This doesn't mean he's out of the project, just doing something most likley behind the scenes with me for a change.

I had my first meeting with Dave tonight about the project ... which is just a little over a month away from starting principal photography. I found out that Jennifer, who is our lead female actress, will probably have to work on Saturday the entire month of July ... which means she will get no rehersal time with the rest of the cast AT ALL. And Steven, who has a predominant part in the film and was supposed to run sound for the movie has work and an eratic schedual at a recording studio where he is learning and will be unavailable most of the week we're filming.

So now Dave has to call Jennifer to find out if what she said is true and if so we might have to replace her with another actress. And now Dave has to find someone to do sound for the movie too.

Isn't moviemaking fun, kids??? I feel like I should have a camera crew following ME around ... because this is just like the shit you see on Project Greenlight. Is this how ALL movies are made??? I fucking hope not.

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About me

  • I'm Richard
  • From Murfreesboro, Tn, United States
  • I'm just your average guy with dreams and asperations of making my own movies someday. Until the day comes that I can quit my job and be a full-time filmmaker .. I'm happy doing the occasional short film/side video project. But one day ... I'm gonna make that damn movie. And you're gonna love it.
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