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Writin, writin, writin ...

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Well, the Memorial Day Weekend has come and gone. I had set myself a deadline to get the script for 'The Wild Side' finished by the end of the weekend ... but it didn't happen.

I may not have reached my goal, but I did get quite a lot accomplished. I am almost 50 pages into the script and i would say that I have anywhere from 25 - 30 more pages to go. Currently, this is the second longest script I have ever written and upon completion will probably be the LONGEST script I have ever written.

I really do think that I will have the script finished by the end of next weekend. At my current pace, I don't see how I couldn't. I am really happy with how it has turned out so far, but I am also amazed at how different things turn out from the original concept in my head to the actual page. Not bad, just different.

I have had really good feedback on the script from everyone who had read it. Jennifer, who plays the female lead in it, read it this weekend and at that point I only had 30 pages. When she got to the end she was like "Ahhh! I want more!!!". So, I take that as a good sign.

Hopefully when I talk to you guys again, it will to inform you that the script is done, and I might just post some of my favorite lines to find out what you guys think. Peace.

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  • I'm Richard
  • From Murfreesboro, Tn, United States
  • I'm just your average guy with dreams and asperations of making my own movies someday. Until the day comes that I can quit my job and be a full-time filmmaker .. I'm happy doing the occasional short film/side video project. But one day ... I'm gonna make that damn movie. And you're gonna love it.
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