A look inside the world of No Failsafe Productions ... our current films and projects and what's coming in the future.

In The Meantime ...

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As of right now, Wednesday Sept. 14th, 2005 ... I have absolutley no idea when the hell we will get back to work on "The Wild Side". I had heard that the guy we talked to about being our new director of photography was on board - which I guess means he read the script and liked it ... I have no idea. I called and left him a message yesterday about getting back to me. Let's see how long that takes him.

The fucked up part is that I have been itching to get back to work again so bad that I have come up with an idea for a new short and will quite possibly going back into very familiar teritory - that is ... teritory that I had said I was done with for good.

In case you can't figure it out for yourself ... I have an idea for a new film featuring "Richard & Mike" from the whole Friends, Days, Holidays trilogy. Well .. I guess if this shit actually works out then it won't be a trilogy anymore ... it'll be a series.

I don't want to give too much away but I can say that the idea and story for the potential new film would have to be pretty good because I said I was finished after the third film (technically the forth if you count the 'Friends Like These: Special Edition' that to this day has never been finished). All I'll say right now is that the new film would potentially be called "Movies Like These" and be set at a movie theatre with Richard and Mikey hopping from theatre to theatre throughout the film trying to find a movie worth a shit to watch. Wow ... I just said a whole lot more than I originally planned ... but what the fuck. I think it might be fun to go back and do another one of these seeing how I had so much fun and really liked doing the other ones. I'm sure the fans of the series (Clay in paticular) would be happy to hear of the return.

I'll let you guys know more when I know more myself. Peace.

3 Responses to “In The Meantime ...”

  1. Blogger ~Chloe~ 

    Theatre hopping, eh? Well, does this mean I could get a creative consultant credit? *giggle, giggle*

  2. Blogger Richard 

    Perhaps ...

  3. Blogger ~Chloe~ 

    I guess to receive such honors, I'd have to like, sleep with the director or something.


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About me

  • I'm Richard
  • From Murfreesboro, Tn, United States
  • I'm just your average guy with dreams and asperations of making my own movies someday. Until the day comes that I can quit my job and be a full-time filmmaker .. I'm happy doing the occasional short film/side video project. But one day ... I'm gonna make that damn movie. And you're gonna love it.
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